公司简介发表时间:2017-09-01 16:13 北京新视觉印刷有限公司(原北京市百乐文印刷厂)是北京市级政府采购印刷定点的北京印刷厂,始建于1997年6月,位于北京西城区。我厂本着“精益求精,永争一流”的企业宗旨,以“专业、严谨、高效、可靠”为经营理念,努力“做最优秀的北京印刷厂”。 我们不断引进先进设备,勇于采用新技术、新工艺,注重培养专业人才,不断完善作业流程,以专业化管理提升专业化服务。我们始终专注印刷领域,并不断完善和发展。我们专心完成每项工作,力求更精、更快、更优。多年来,新视觉积累了丰富的印刷服务经验并不断完善服务和管理,逐步建立了具有自己特色的印刷服务体系,我们值得信赖。 北京新视觉印刷有限公司成立二十年来,为多家北京大中型企业及事业单位提供印刷服务,包括教育部,国家统计局,中国出版集团,中国外文出版发行事业局,北京广播电视局,北京电视台,药监局西城分局等,我们生产的印刷品受到了广大客户的认可和赞许,并获得北京市市级政府采购印刷定点单位的资质,是中国印刷协会会员单位,北京市印刷协会会员单位。 我们提供从设计,印刷到印后加工,送货,仓储及代邮发等一条龙服务,我们的传统印刷,数码印刷,喷绘写真等项目可以全面满足不同客户的需求,我们将一如既往地追求高品质的印刷,并以更多、更好的印刷品服务于社会。 Founded in June 1997, Beijing New Vision Printing Company (VPC) is designated by the Beijing Municipal Governement to serve its needs [I think only other government departments would be interested to know this, but not the foreigners. BNVPC might be too long, VPC should be enough.]for printing. Located in the West City District of Beijing, VPC has in the past fifteen years served its clients with the best printing quality they demand. VPC’s goal is to become the best and most reliable printing company in Beijing. Over the past fifteen years, VPC has provided the best printing services to many large and wellknown companies and organizations. Our numerous clients also include the Ministry of Education, the State Statistics Bureau, China State Publishing Group, the Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Administration, Beijing Broadcasting and TV Bureau, Beijing Television Station and the State Food and Drug Administration. Our best and reliable printing quality has earned us a good name among our clients[If possible, name a few privately owned companies as well.]. VPC is a member of the China Printers’ Association. We have been upgrading our equipment and adopting new techniques and technology. We attach great importance in training our talents and are constantly improving the workflow to enhance our services with professionalism. We are constantly making improvements and advancement in our line of business. BNVPC is an one-stop print shop – besides printing, we also provide our clients with page and cover design, post-printing production, and support services, such as delivery, storage and shipping. Apart from traditional printing[If you are still printing books, you should mention this service as well.], we also provide digital printing and spray printing . We are here to satisfy all your printing needs.